All the Apostles of the Bible

$15.99 $14.39 AuthorHerbert Lockyer

Powerful lessons from the men Jesus chose and the message they proclaimed


All the Apostles of the Biblesheds light on the lives, times, and ministries of the men God chose to declare his message to the world. It includes the twelve apostles of Jesus, Jesus himself as the "Chief Apostle,” Paul, and lesser-known men such as James the Lord’s brother, Matthias, Andronicus, Barnabas, Epaphroditus, Silas, Timothy, Junias, and Apollos. Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines the biblical record to uncover fascinating truths about each apostle’s family, character, personality, ministry, the unique aspect of his service to God, and his call into the ministry.

278 pages inc. index
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