Up until just a few months before his death in November
2000, Homer Hailey was still teaching and writing with a clarity and insight
into Scripture rare among men of any age. A veteran teacher with 32 years in the college classroom, preacher with
more than 65 years of local work including about 700 meetings in forty states, and the author of 16
books as well as scores of articles. His scholarship is widely known. His
knowledge of the Old Testament prophets,
wisdom literature and
the book of Revelation have made his writings in
these areas standard reference works.
In the foreword, Hailey's long-time associate Clinton
Hamilton aptly describes him as "deeply devout, regularly prayerful, and
genuinely convinced of the providence of God." This volume evidences his
many patient years of study, combined with his rare ability to relate his
findings to the day-to-day life of the Christian. Throughout his busy life,
Hailey touched many lives as an example of a godly man who conveyed the gospel
simply and directly.
The object of this book is to stimulate believers into
investigating what the Bible says on the subjects of prayer and providence and
to make this instruction a vital part of their faith and practice. The words
"prayer" and "providence" are heard daily in almost every
human situation. Victims of natural disasters, crimes and catastrophic illness,
people who have not made God part of their lives, tell of praying and believing
in God’s providence .This providence presupposes the divine creation of the
universe and God's government in and over that which He created.
This book helps the believer to understand that prayer is a
sacred privilege as well as an obligation. With many references to Scripture,
author Homer Hailey begins his discussion of prayer by analyzing man's need of
it and divine instructions about it. Hailey then discusses prayer for others,
especially in times of trouble. For a better understanding of God's part in
our communication with Him through prayer, the author discusses what the
believer should expect from prayer and that there will be times when God says
"no" or "wait." Hailey reassures the believer that God is
able to answer the requests offered by His children. From the book of Revelation
he concludes, "The Lord God, the Almighty, makes His glory to shine
brilliantly upon His redeemed. Surely, such a wonderful, all-glorious and
all-powerful God can answer the prayers of His saints!"
world at large often associates providence with the miraculous. Hailey indicates
that miracles are not under consideration in this study, and defines providence
as, "The workings of God through His provision in the natural and
spiritual realms.... Divine providence is a distinctive feature or attribute
whereby the infinite God finds expression." After defining his topic, the
author then considers providence in its relationship to evil and its part in
the moral realm. Attention is given to God's control over the universe and
Jesus' rule in natural and spiritual affairs. The final part of his study
focuses on providence as it relates to the individual, as seen in the book of
Ecclesiastes and in many parts of the New Testament.
224 pages