Some of Jesus' Favorite Stories

$9.99 SeriesLife Changing Studies from the Heart of Jesus
AuthorDan Winkler

A study of parables


1 The Sower - The Most Important Parable of Them All
2 The Unforgiving Servant - A Chance to Change the Past
3 The Good Samaritan - The Makings of a "Good" Person
4 The Rich Fool - The Fool with a Fortune but No Future
5 The Barren Fig Tree - Repent or Live to Regret It
6 The Great Supper - Pride says, "Excuse Me"
7 The Unfinished Tower & Prudent King Consumed by Christ
8 The Prodigal Son - The Heart of Our Heavenly Father
9 The Rich Man and Lazarus (*excluded by some as a parable) - Seconds After I Say, "Good-bye"
10 The Persistent Widow - The Power of Prayers and a God Who Cares
11 The Pharisee and Publican - Religious but Far from Righteous
12 The Faithful Servant & Foolish Virgins - What if There was No Tomorrow
13 The Talents - When We See Jesus