Butt/Barker Debate: Does the God of the Bible Exist?

$10.00 $10.00 ISBN9781600630200

Debate on the existence of God


Of all the significant questions pertaining to human existence, none is more crucial than whether the God of the Bible exists. If He does exist, all human beings are obligated to come to a knowledge of His will and render obedience to Him. Those who fail to do so will face eternal punishment (2 Corinthians 5:10-11). If, on the other hand, the God of the Bible does not exist, human behavior remains a matter of subjective, human inclination. Atheist and theist meet in this historic confrontation.

The Butt-Barker Debate was conducted on the campus of the University of South Carolina in Columbia on February 12, 2009 before a capacity crowd of over 500, with thousands more viewing the debate over the Internet. Both disputants presented arguments, cross-examined each other, and also fielded live questions from the audience.

The approximate running time of the DVD of the debate is two hours.
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