Tracing Him

$9.95 AuthorRebekah Colley

Mapping and Applying God's Scheme of Redemption


Tracing Him walks readers through history—His story—beginning with Genesis 1:1 and picking up redemption’s thread in the history of His people through which came the Messiah. It proceeds, then, into the best part of the story, His incarnation and its profound effect on the world since that time when God walked among men in human form. In a powerful way, then, Rebekah traces God’s power in lives through the Christian age, to our present day and gives young readers great hope for living forever with their heavenly Father. This is what you want for your teen girls in a world in which the devil is stripping teens of purpose and contentment. By the time the girls get to this part, having read, reacted and reflected, as Rebekah leads them to think systematically, yet with emotion, about God, they will want to study His word for themselves. In short, Tracing Him is a needed catalyst for the desire for study. Somewhere, along the line, the Baby Boomer generation largely lost the fervor to know God’s Word. Rebekah is intent on putting that desire in young girls who read this volume. No matter what your girls intend to do in future years, this basic knowledge of God’s work for their souls, in all eras of time, will be foundational to faithfulness. It will bless your grandchildren! Best of all, the profound truths in Tracing Him are just what God intended: simple enough to understand, and yet, profound enough to save their souls.

Misc. Teaching Resources

WVBS Teaching Posters

Rose Charts and Books

Bible Story/Picture Books