His Love, His Church

$9.95 $8.96 AuthorKen Butterworth

The eternal church


Join Ken Butterworth’s pursuit of the divine and eternal nature of the church—divine because of its founder, eternal because of its king.

  • - How important was the church to Jesus?
  • - Why does the church wear Jesus’ name?
  • - Where is the church of the Bible today?
  • - What is the difference in the church and a denomination?
  • - Is the church essential for salvation?
  • - Who determines membership in the church?

Ken states, ''The Lord Himself used questions to challenge His hearers. Those who question church preferences are doing a good thing.'' Your answers await you as Ken guides you into this study of Jesus and His love for His church.

123 pgs.


Misc. Teaching Resources

WVBS Teaching Posters

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Bible Story/Picture Books

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