Christians study the Bible for it contains everything "pertaining to life and godliness." A good understanding of secular history can buttress our faith when we better see how God brought forth the fulness of time. This excellent study of world events helps us understand where the sects (Pharisees, Saduccees, Essenes, etc.) originated, what was behind the Grecian widow problem in Acts 6, what the office of high priest had become, etc.
Table of Contents:
- Overview of Jewish History
- The Babylonian Period
- The Persian Period
- The Invasion of the Greeks
- Israel Under the Ptolemies
- The Maccabean Rebellion
- The Hasmoneans
- The Roman Period
- The Synagogue
- The Samaritans
- Sects of Ancient Judaism (1)
- Sects of Ancient Judaism (2)
- The Intertestamental Literature
Workbook, 13 lessons. Each lesson includes questions.