Seeing the Unseen

$8.00 $7.20 AuthorBryan Nash

Angels, Demons, and Other Unseen Agents of Spiritual Activity

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It seems that no matter where you go, people have questions about the spiritual realm. Some of the questions may be answerable; others, unanswerable. God has told us what we need to know, while the rest will remain a mystery.

Nonetheless, the unseen spiritual realm should not be a topic we steer clear of, or are afraid to study. Instead, we should seek to understand all we can.Many are led into false systems of belief because of their unguided curiosity in these subjects. We won’t have to pass a quiz on the Godhead, angels, Satan, and demons to get into Heaven, but I’m afraid that many will miss out on eternal bliss because they have been carried away by false teaching on these topics. What does Scripture reveal about things unseen? After studying through this book, you will be able to answer confidently.

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