
$22.99 $20.69 AuthorBurton Coffman

Pentateuch 4


This Commentary on Deuteronomy is the fourth volume of what must be called A Believer's Commentary on the Pentateuch, because it offers no interpretations that are incompatible with Christian faith and with the acceptance of the Holy Bible as the word of God. The very rarity of such a commentary will com¬mend it to many. Coffman herein offers the Bible student the end-fruits of a long and faithful lifetime of diligent study and research of the sacred writings. The sheer scope and extent of this author's reading is amazing. His refutations of the popular destructive criticisms is documented and reinforced with a confidence sadly lacking in much of today's writing. His refusal to accept such things as the Documentary thesis for the origin of the Pentateuch, for example, will thrill the conservative student and carry the conviction that our author knows his ground and that he is not afraid to state it. No fewer than three great Colleges and Universities have be-stowed their highest academic honors upon Dr. Coffman; and the purchaser of any volumes in this series is assured of finding pertinent, illuminating, and inspiring help in his studies of that Word which liveth and abideth for ever. 

413 pgs.
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