Job: A Man Who Lost Everything Except For His Faith

$16.00 $14.40 AuthorWade Webster

20th Power Lectureship 2012


Have you ever lost someone you loved to death? Have you ever suffered debilitating illness? Have you ever lost all your money? Have you ever experienced the despair of having your friends and family refuse to believe in your innocence? Have you ever wanted to ask God "Why”? Do you want to blame Him for the bad things that happen in life?

Then you need to study the life of Job. He lived through all of these—at one time. Yet, he did not blame God. The chapters in this book help the reader understand why bad things happen; how to help others when they are hurting; how to remain faithful during bad times; and how to build a marriage that survives the storms of life.  Patience, real beauty, true friendship, purity, and more are explored. 

509 pg.

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