Borden/Bogard Debate

$25.00 AuthorBorden & Bogard

Missionary Baptists


This debate was held in Balch, Arkansas from July 26-29, 1909 between E. M. Borden and Ben Bogard.

Proposition 1: The Scriptures teach that the church of Christ was established on the first Pentecost after the resurrection of Christ. 
Affirmative: E. M. Borden
Negative: Ben M. Bogard

Proposition 2: The Scriptures teach that the sinner is so de­praved that in his conviction and conversion, the Holy Spirit must of necessity exercise a power of influence, distinct from and in addition to the written word. 
Affirmative: Ben M. Bogard
Negative: E. M. Borden

Proposition 3: The Scriptures teach that a child of God or Saint, may so apostatize as to be lost in hell. 
Affirmative: E. M. Borden 
Negative: Ben M. Bogard

Proposition 4: The Scriptures teach that a sinner is saved by grace through faith, before baptism.
Affirmative: Ben M. Bogard
Negative: E. M. Borden

398 pg.

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