Seventh Day Adventism Renounced

$22.99 AuthorD. M. Canright

A Seventh Day Adventist preacher changes his mind


D. M. Canright became a member of the Seventh Day Adventist denomination only 14 years after it was started; that allowed him to meet and know many of the founding members. He spent 28 years in that denomination, preaching and writing, even being a member of the general council that determined their doctrine. As he studied, he came to the conclusion that Adventism is wrong. The man who propounded the doctrine then became the most knowledgeable defender against it in the 20th century. In his words, "I knew their inside history and weak points like others could not.” Read the arguments that Adventists make and learn how to defeat them. Several appendices include material from various other denominations regarding Adventist error. 

418 pages