Do You Understand Leadership?

$16.00 $14.40 SeriesFSOP Lectureship
AuthorStearsman & Kenyon

26th FSOP Lectureship 2001


Peter wrote, "The elders which are among you, I exhort.” This book follows that lead. It begins with general information on leadership and then provides Bible examples of good and bad leaders. Part three of the book deals with potential difficulties in several areas: no eldership, the role of women, false teachers, and encouraging leaders. The appendix contains chapters on word studies for the qualifications of elders and deacons, modesty, and more. A special feature is the section on reviews of books on leadership and leadership concerns. Books such as Encouraging Elders, Behold the Pattern, and more are discussed.


This book would make an excellent gift for an elder or elder-to-be.


573 pages 


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