What Does the Bible Say

$6.00 $5.40 AuthorJerrie Barber

The Bible's answers to moral and religious questions


People in general are always wanting to know what the Bible teaches on various subjects.  This is good because it indicates that they are seeking authoritative answers about morals, human relationships and religious matters.  Brother Barber has taken numerous questions -- such as: Sincerity Alone?; Homosexual Lifestyle?; Abortion -- Is It Wrong?; What's Wrong With Pornography?; and, Was the Bible Meant For Us? -- and given Bible answers to them.  He has used this format for a number of years in writing a newspaper column in Dalton, GA.  This book can be used by the Christian and the non-Christian in a very effective way.  It can be given to those with whom you study, sent through the mail to contacts, put in libraries, etc.  It can also serve as a textbook in class situations.