Dear Ones

$10.00 $9.00 AuthorBetty Burton Choate

A missionary family in India


Dear Ones is a book of glimpses into the daily life of a family on a foreign field.  Beginning with preparation to go, it tells the story of getting settled into a new home and a new way of life in New Delhi, the capital city of India, in the year of 1972.  The reader is able to share in the excitement of foreign work, and is also given the opportunity to see the concerns, the sorrows, the burdens that are a part of the life of families working in areas where the needs so far-outweigh the laboring force.  Local Christians and customs are introduced, and the book is illustrated in an effort to make the story vivid to the reader.  Some of the chapter headings are: Departure for India; A New Home; Spring Weather and other Miseries; A Lesson in Complaining; Calvert School at Home; Thoughts Over a Bucket; From Day to Day; An Empathy Program; and The Story Without End.
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